

Social learning groups and individual sessions run from Sept 1st thru mid June, although you are not required to make a yearlong commitment. If you need to discontinue sessions for any reason, we ask for a two week notification so that we can try to find a replacement group member. Our clinic closes for two weeks for the winter holiday and for the following national holidays; Labor Day, 2 days for Thanksgiving, President’s day, and Memorial Day. Over the course of the year you will have two excused absences. Beyond these two days any missed sessions will be billed as a regular session. We do not close for spring break. For other important dates please refer to our calendar.

Meet and Greet

For all new clients we offer an initial consult or “meet and greet”. This meet and greet is not a requirement, however, it often helps us gain a better picture of your child’s unique self and helps in determining a good group fit. If you would like to schedule a meet and greet you should call (510) 444-8732. There is a fee for a meet and greet. If we are able to offer your child a group that is a good fit and you accept, the fee will be applied to the total cost of the program.


Think Social East Bay bills at the end of the month and payment is due on the 15th of the month. Your invoice is sent to you electronically and payment may be received by check or credit card.